
City Council Appoints Sergio Espericueta to the Planning Commission

City Council Appoints Sergio Espericueta to the Planning Commission

As a result of former Planning Commissioner Shelley Kaplan being elected by the voters to a seat on the City Council, a vacancy was created on the planning commission. Eight qualified candidates applied and were interviewed for the position during the Study Session period of yesterday’s special council meeting.

The interviews, council deliberations, and initial and final votes were held in the public forum.

After listening and evaluating the candidates, the City Council unanimously reached a decision at its regular meeting and appointed Mr. Sergio Espericueta to the Cathedral City Planning Commission to fulfill the unexpired term. Mr. Espericueta will serve until the term expires on June 30, 2017.


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Chris Parman

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Former Communications & Events Manager 760-770-0396
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