“Zootopia” – Movies in the Park – Downtown Cathedral City – Saturday

“Zootopia” – Movies in the Park – Downtown Cathedral City – Saturday

Gather the family, blankets and/or chairs for “Movies in the Park” located this season at the Downtown Festival Lawn, 68-600 East Palm Canyon Drive (HWY 111) in Cathedral City. The free event, hosted by the Cathedral City Evening Rotary and sponsored by the City of Cathedral City, happens once a month on a Saturday evening every month between November and May, at 7:00 pm, except for the month of May, which begins at 8:30 pm due to daylight savings time.

Movie: Zootopia
When: Saturday, March 24, 7 pm
Where: Festival Lawn, 68-600 East Palm Canyon Drive

Free admission. Free parking.

You are welcome to bring snacks or non-alcoholic drinks, but you can also purchase them from the Mary Pickford Theatre nearby. Great Family FUN!

This month’s movie trailer: https://www.facebook.com/CathedralCityMoviesinthePark/videos/2095479087352366/

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Chris Parman

View posts by Chris Parman
Former Communications & Events Manager 760-770-0396
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