Cathedral City Short-Term Vacation Rental Task Force Releases Its Survey Results

The Short-Term Vacation Rental (STVR) Survey was created by the STVR Task Force and mailed out on October 1, 2019. It required response returned no later than October 15, 2019. The surveys were mailed to properties within 100 feet of a permitted (legal) STVR. The surveys were not sent to any properties surrounding STVRs located in HOA communities as HOAs permit them through their local governance.

In total, 300 households responded to the survey. In addition, there were approximately 40 that were deliverable as addressed and some surveys were damaged by the U.S. Postal Service and deemed unusable.

To view a copy of the blank STVR Survey, click on the following link:

To view the STVR Survey Statistics, click on the following link:

To view the STVR Task Force Survey Comment Report provided by respondents, please click on the following link:

The Survey Comment Report consists of 49 pages on legal size paper.

Several Things to Note:

  1. The responses are divided by neighborhoods. Some residents did not indicate a “region” in the City so those responses are captured under “Other Cathedral City Residents.”
  2. As in the statistical survey, the numbers are not sequential when another neighborhood’s comments were entered.
  3. The spelling on some comments was difficult to decipher, and the drafter of the Report did the best she could in deciphering the words. Spelling and grammar errors were not corrected. A few comments were not decipherable.
  4. If a survey respondent mentioned his/her address and/or name, it was not included on the Survey Comment Report.
  5. Each survey was assigned a number when received in order to cross-reference the Report comments with the actual surveys.
  6. The Task Force is now in the process of inputting the survey comments into its list of recommendations which it has compiled from other sources (public emails, comments from the public forums, other data collected) to be considered by the Task Force in its recommendations.
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Chris Parman

View posts by Chris Parman
Former Communications & Events Manager 760-770-0396
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